Cole Croley with his 100 point AR pizza! Congratulations Cole!
Oklahoma State Department of Education has partnered with Hunger Free Oklahoma to share some information for your school staff and families to help understand PEBT. Please share this information with staff and families.
New P-EBT resources:
We would like to share updated resources related to the Pandemic Electronic Benefits Transfer (P-EBT) program. Visit Hunger Free Oklahoma's Schools Ending Hunger webpage . Resources on the webpage to highlight include:
· School staff presentation (video/PDF)
· Caregiver video (English/Spanish) or PDF presentation (English/Spanish)
· English caregiver handouts (full-page/half-page), Spanish handouts coming soon
· Updated public P-EBT page with FAQs:
We encourage you to share P-EBT information with your school staff and with families through social media, school websites, and correspondence with parents and caregivers.
Pre First enjoyed Valentine's Day at Rowans Restaurant today. They enjoyed decorating their own cookie and an Italian strawberry soda from the coffee shop!
Congratulations to this month’s Students of the Month, Artists of the Month, Cherokee Students of the Month, and Teacher of the Month!
Mrs.Fourkiller's class learned about the engineering process, “Build a Snowman".
Mrs. Fourkiller's class enjoyed making pizza! Becky Clark introduced Future Chef details and following recipes. 👨🍳 👩🍳
Thank you to the SMS 7th grade Leadership Class for the early Valentines Day gifts!
Mrs. Walker’s First Grade class enjoyed making their own pizza for lunch today. We would like to give a shout out to Becky Clark and the cafeteria staff for making this possible. The kids had so much fun!
Pre-first made their own pizzas this morning! Yum!
We want to wish a very “Happy School Counselor Week” to Kim Tillman and Matt Samargis!
We couldn’t do all we do without them! They support, encourage, and give with all they have. The best truly are at SGS!
When one of your classmates need to wear a hat to cover up their scars, we will all wear a hat. ❤️ Thank you Sue Phillips and Joy’s Quilters for our new fleece hats.
4H members made Valentines for veterans!
Don’t forget, tomorrow is Spring picture day! Class photos and sports team photos will also be taken!
Just some kiddos enjoying their snow days!
Mrs Hammons’ Pre First students made snow volcanos and snowmen on Friday as part of their virtual science project!
Due to inclement weather, Thursday, Feb. 3rd and Friday, Feb. 4th will be virtual days!
Mr. Fourkiller's class learned about snakes last week. Today they had a special guest "Casper" today.
Our 3rd and 4th graders played their final basketball games this week!
Mrs. Walker’s First Grade class celebrated “100 Days of School” with some awesome hands on activities.
Pre first is 100 days brighter!