Vote April 4th for the Stilwell Student Investment Plan! #StilwellForward
almost 2 years ago, Brian Johnson
A traditional wood floor gymnasium would give sports teams a great place to practice and play. An investment in our school is an investment in our students. #StilwellForward
almost 2 years ago, Brian Johnson
Very appreciative of Cherokee Nation today for always being a wonderful partner to not only Stilwell Public Schools but all schools throughout the Cherokee Nation - Wado!
almost 2 years ago, Mandy Richardson
This furry little guy has been hanging out in our hallway the last few weeks. He vacationed here over spring break and enjoyed a buffet of snacks out of the classrooms while taking out a few ceiling tiles along the way. Today he fell through the roof and was dangling above Easton’s head! Needless to say, his vacation is over and he'll be released back into his natural habitat. #stilwellspirit
almost 2 years ago, Mandy Richardson
A few of our kiddos competed in the Special Olympics Track and Field Day in Tahlequah! Caleb placed 2nd in Softball Throw Sofia placed 1st in the BB Roll & 2nd in the 25 meter wheelchair race Congratulations guys!! #stilwellspirit
almost 2 years ago, Mandy Richardson
There will be a blood drive in our old gym next Tuesday, April 4th!
almost 2 years ago, Mandy Richardson
Congratulations to our 4H Speech and Demonstration participants and winners! #stilwellspirit
almost 2 years ago, Mandy Richardson
Vote April 4th for the Stilwell Student Investment Plan! #StilwellForward
almost 2 years ago, Brian Johnson
Holly Akin
Egg Hunt this Saturday hosted by FCCLA!
almost 2 years ago, Mandy Richardson
Do you have questions about the bond? Leave them in the comments and we’ll give you an answer.
almost 2 years ago, Brian Johnson
The 2023 Stilwell Public Schools Student Investment Plan is a win-win for the community, our kids, and our future! #StilwellForward
almost 2 years ago, Brian Johnson
81% of 4A schools have a turf field. In order to remain competitive with other schools we need to upgrade. Our students are worth it! #StilwelllForward
almost 2 years ago, Brian Johnson
Turf Field
Mr. R's class put their engineering skills to work and created a tower out of magnet tiles that surpassed Mr. In height! #stilwellspirit
almost 2 years ago, Mandy Richardson
Congratulations to Tilly Longshore and James Graves for reaching their third grade class reading goals! #stilwellspirit
almost 2 years ago, Mandy Richardson
Vote April 4th for the Stilwell Student Investment Plan! #StilwellForward
almost 2 years ago, Brian Johnson
Jean Ann Wright
Vote April 4th for the Stilwell Student Investment Plan! #StilwellForward
almost 2 years ago, Brian Johnson
The 2023 Student Investment Plan has a small tax increase. The taxes on a home valued at $100,000 will increase by $5.99 per month. That’s equal to about 2 or 3 soft drinks per month! #StilwellForward
almost 2 years ago, Brian Johnson
We need facilities that are competitive with other 4A schools. The 2023 Student Investment Plan will allow us to remodel the soccer/football facilities as well as replace the flooring in the elementary school gymnasium. #StilwellForward
almost 2 years ago, Brian Johnson
Happy World Down Syndrome Day! #stilwellspirit
almost 2 years ago, Mandy Richardson
Mrs Brown’s class celebrated National Down’s Syndrome Day!  We wore blue and yellow colors and crazy socks! We had crazy sock drawings, and yummy cupcakes! Thank you to Jen Littlefield for the delicious cupcakes!   #stilwellspirit
almost 2 years ago, Mandy Richardson