Welcome back! We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving break!
Here are this week's announcements!
Some of our 4H members helped serve at the annual pancake breakfast this past Saturday!
Ms. Brewer’s class had a fun and busy afternoon of Thanksgiving fun! They made turkey headbands, received reusable Thanksgiving placemats, with a pack of markers to boot! They also made ‘Oreo Turkeys’ courtesy of our own Stilwell Library! Mrs. White from SMS sent over Little Debbie’s for all to take home a box! A Big Thank You to everyone. An especially BIG THANK YOU, to Mrs. Parker, our Para. She may not be pictured, but she does so much for our students and our classroom! We are very thankful ♥️
Fourth grade took the dance off trophy this morning!
Good job fourth grade!
Congratulations to this month's Students of the Month and Teacher of the Month!
Congratulations to our BUG winners!
Second grade did a great job leading our assembly this morning! They taught us about habit #2: Begin with the end in mind.
Here is your Friday Funny!
Happy Friday everyone!
This week's Teacher Spotlight is on third grade teacher, Ms. Lara Brewer! This is her 2nd year of teaching at Stilwell, but her 7th year overall at Stilwell Schools.
3rd and 4th graders enjoyed their Thanksgiving lunches today!
2nd and 3rd grade enjoying leaves on a warm November day!! #stilwellspirit
Enrichment students had some fun in the STEM Lab this morning!
Christmas Bazaar this Saturday at the Armory!
Pre-1st, 1st, and 2nd grade enjoyed their Thanksgiving lunches today!
This week's Student Spotlight is on 2nd grader, Tarrin Bell!
Mrs. Christie had this to say about Tarrin:
"Tarrin is one of the kindest students in our school. She is always willing to help. She is positive and happy every time I see her. Tarrin works hard and tries to do the right thing, even when she thinks no one is watching. She is such a joy to be around."
Great job, Tarrin!
We have one busy week ahead, followed by Thanksgiving break!
Food pantry for this month will be next Saturday, November 18th.
Happy Veteran's Day from a couple of cuties!
Second Grade classes had the opportunity to hear all about underwater photography and information about jellyfish and other marine life in a presentation from Mr. and Mrs. Greene who are scuba dive enthusiasts and a master diver. They dove in Hawaii, Maldives, French Polynesian, Caribbean and other places. They shared videos and photos of underwater life. All the boys and girls and teachers enjoyed the presentation! We very much appreciate Mr. and Mrs. Greene for spending time with Stilwell second grade!
Third grade had another excellent performance this morning!
This program sure brings all the emotions to those who watch it! Mrs. Crittenden and the third grade crew did such a great job!
Once again, thank you Veterans for your service! We can't say it enough!